My Trip to Chile: Day 2


Our Journey Through Day-Time Santiago and Pucón

We spent a long day traveling to museums and far cities, so today we decided to visit even more museums here in Santiago. We first ordered breakfast in the hotel, which was scrumptious.
I ordered pancakes with a banana shake. After breakfast, we all got dressed and went on out to explore a couple of museums here in Santiago.
Our first was, La Chascona Casa Museo. This museum was once home to a Nobel Peace Prize winner, poet Pablo Neruda.
All the furniture is archaic and hasn't been touched except to be cleaned and dusted.
The museum also has an audio tour, which definitely provided a lot of insight on the poet.
We also visited the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, which held a ton of art from the pre-columbian era.
Very insightful and interesting tour.

Santiago, Chile
Santiago, Chile

We left Santiago at around at around 10:00A.M. to head to Pucón, Chile, one of the more popular tourist attractions of the country due to its gorgeous lake
that people ride through with jetskis and kayakes, along with natural hot springs you can relax in.
All of this with a beautiful view of the Villarrica Volcano.
My family and I arrived at around 5:30P.M. and we hung around and talked to other people who came to soak in the atmosphere and beautiful nature.
I met a few guys there who I got along pretty well with, and we all went kayaking in the river for a while.
Overall a really great experience in the country so far. We ended up leaving Pucón and back to our hotel; we arrived at around 1:00A.M.(really late!)

Pucón, Chile
Pucón, Chile
Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge. - Plato

End of Day 2, 7/8/2015